
Ming-Li,🧐 Your English learning G.P.S.🚀

63 cursos terminados

sobre você

InglêsC2 Proficient
Chinês simplificadoNative
CantonêsA1 Beginner
🧐Have lived in the United States for 30 years and speak like a native speaker. 🧐Received both bachelor's and master's degrees in the United States. 🧐 I learned English mostly independently during the first 30 years of my life, which enabled me to develop a very effective self-learning method. .🚀English Listening, Speaking, Pronunciation, and Reading Class: 🧐Teach the pronunciation rules and reading. 🧐Teach techniques to learn English faster. 🧐Teach how to speak English like a native. 🧐Teach and incorporate music and songs to have fun while learning English Statement of Purpose Because God has blessed me so much throughout my life, I want to give something back in return. Looking back on my life, I was blessed tremendously. I will explain in some detail later my blessings and my motivation to serve others. My name is Ming-Li Bien. I was born and raised in Taiwan and spent almost half my life here. In August of 1988, about four months before I turned 29, I went to the United States of America to study in college. Frankly, my English could have been better back then. After a few years in the United States, my English improved, and awareness of the problem of English learning for people in Taiwan. Now that I have been back in Taiwan for a few years, I can see the same struggles I had before and what happens with people here. I should do something about this by helping people, especially younger generations, improve their English skills. More importantly, I want to help people realize that English's most common practical purpose is verbal communication, not test exams. Based on my experience, over 80 to 90 percent of people learning English want to improve their English conversation skills. People who can pass English language proficiency tests with reasonably high scores sometimes still need help with one-on-one conversations. For this reason, I am willing to dedicate myself to teaching English to help anyone who needs my assistance, especially in English conversation and pronunciation. I desire to share my English proficiency, learning experiences, and methods to benefit those who will learn with me for as long as I live. Here is some background information. As I mentioned, I was born and raised in Taiwan. One thing worth noting is that I am an audio learner. For example, I learn to play the harmonica by ear. For this reason, I was more sensitive to the sounds of different languages. In 1972, when I was only about 13 years old, I began to learn English for the first time. At that time, my mother bought a vinyl record for me. A vinyl record that Dr. Lilian Chao made. Dr. Chao was a famous television host of an English teaching program; she was known as "Mother Goose" by radio listeners. This record taught me the pronunciation of the English alphabet and set a foundation for my English learning. I had another great teacher during three years of junior middle school. Whenever I got a break from school, I also spent every minute listening to International Community Radio Taipei, a radio station, even when I was sleeping. From 1973 to 1979, l listened to the station's predecessor, Armed Forces Network, in Taiwan. This radio channel often accompanies me as I fall asleep. Years later, my sleep training for English paid off and proved to be an excellent investment in acquiring English. As I said before, I was a blessed man. Being born in Taiwan allowed me to understand the needs of the people here. In addition, one of the many blessings was that I have been living in the United States of America for 30 years. I also received bachelor's and master's degrees from accredited universities in the United States. These experiences helped me to speak and think like a native English speaker. It makes me fully aware of how people in the United States communicate. These combinations of knowledge, experience, and understanding make me an excellent fit to work as an assistant teacher. This work opportunity will enable me to give back, share the blessings I have received, and serve my fellow people here in Taiwan. This thing called life has treated me well thus far. I am fortunate to have good health, and the Lord allows me dozens of years to remain good. It sounds like a bit cliche to you. If you ask me to make a plan as I would live forever, I will follow the example of Dr. Lilian Chao, whom I consider my first English teacher. I would help people who like my help as long as I live. Sharing knowledge of the English Language, in this case, is very wonderfully rewarding. I firmly believe that if I make myself available to serve others, God will allow me to stay on this earth a little longer. As my objective as an English teacher, I would act like an English language learning G.P.S. to assist people who enjoy the learning process. Perspective: The English language is one of the most popular languages. English is the key to opening the door to the world. Many people in Taiwan still struggle when they attempt to learn English. I was one of the lucky people who had an opportunity to learn English well. It is my time to share what I know with the people I love, the people in Taiwan. Everybody has different abilities and unique talents. I believe the following: 1, a teacher should find ways to inspire students and bring out their potential to do great things to contribute back to the community, country, and the world; 2. a teacher should bring joy and spark the desire to learn from and with students, in and out of the classroom; 3. a teacher should make learning fun to help students generate a long-lasting result.
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  • 2019 - 2020 Amaris Consulting
  • 2007 - 2018 Sherwin-Williams


  • 2006 - 2009 Youngstown State University Master, Computing and Information Systems certificados carregados

  • 1988 - 1993 Brigham Young University - Hawaii Bachelor of Science, Information Systems certificados carregados

  • 1975 - 1980 China University of Technology Associate, Finance certificados carregados

  • 2023 - 2023 Brigham University-Pathway Worldwide Pathway Connect Program certificados carregados


  • TESOL/TEFL certificados carregados

  • A+ Certified Technician certificados carregados

  • 2019 - 2020 Amaris Consulting
  • 2007 - 2018 Sherwin-Williams
  • 2006 - 2009

    Youngstown State University

    Master, Computing and Information Systems certificados carregados

  • 1988 - 1993

    Brigham Young University - Hawaii

    Bachelor of Science, Information Systems certificados carregados

  • 1975 - 1980

    China University of Technology

    Associate, Finance certificados carregados

  • 2023 - 2023

    Brigham University-Pathway Worldwide

    Pathway Connect Program certificados carregados

  • TESOL/TEFL certificados carregados

  • A+ Certified Technician certificados carregados


como se reserva

  • Depois da sua compra, reserve o curso de acordo da agenda do seu professor.
  • Pode começar o curso agora com os professores que 'pode ensinar agora'
  • Pode reservar cursos dentro de 24 horas com professores offline

sobre o preço

  • A sessão de julgamento dura 25 minutos
  • Um curso oficial dura 50 minutos
  • Mais descontos com 5 cursos oficiais terminados. O desconto tem por base o preço do professor.


  • Fique no sítio 10 minutos antes do curso. Clique no 'os meus cursos', clique 'entrar a sala de aula' e começar o curso na sala de aula de ZOOM
  • Pode-se usar ZOOM em telemóveis e computadores. (baixe a app de ZOOM no seu telemóvel)

sobre o reembolso

  • Clique no 'informar um problema' quando se encontrar problemas sobre os cursos. O professor pode reprogramar ou reembolsar moedas AT.
  • O sistema reembolsa moedas AT se o professor não respondesse dentro de 12 horas.
como se reserva
  • Depois da sua compra, reserve o curso de acordo da agenda do seu professor.
  • Pode começar o curso agora com os professores que 'pode ensinar agora'
  • Pode reservar cursos dentro de 24 horas com professores offline
sobre o preço
  • A sessão de julgamento dura 25 minutos
  • Um curso oficial dura 50 minutos
  • Mais descontos com 5 cursos oficiais terminados. O desconto tem por base o preço do professor.
  • Fique no sítio 10 minutos antes do curso. Clique no 'os meus cursos', clique 'entrar a sala de aula' e começar o curso na sala de aula de ZOOM
  • Pode-se usar ZOOM em telemóveis e computadores. (baixe a app de ZOOM no seu telemóvel)
sobre o reembolso
  • Clique no 'informar um problema' quando se encontrar problemas sobre os cursos. O professor pode reprogramar ou reembolsar moedas AT.
  • O sistema reembolsa moedas AT se o professor não respondesse dentro de 12 horas.

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