
Tr.Victoria 🌟TESOL/TEFL Certified🌟30+yrs Exp.👩‍🏫Consultant & Language Director🔥"

94Prova de IELTS cursos terminados

sobre você

EspanholB1 Intermediate
FrancêsA2 Elementary
🤗Are you prepared to take your English to the next level? I am here to ensure its completion. ⭐️Teaching for over 20 years with kids of various ages and skill levels 🏆 I specialize in crafting personalized English lessons that fit you like a glove. 🎁Business Conversation, Exam Preparation, Grammar, Conversational English, English for Specialized Purposes, Young Learner's ESL, Literature 🌏 I have helped over 12,500 language learners achieve their goals. 【English for Special Purposes:Tailored Language Instruction】 🔆This course is designed to equip learners withthe language skills necessary to thrive in specific professional or academic contexts. The course will focus on the following specialized areas:🔆 🎯 Exams: Preparation for standardized English proficiency exams such as TOEFL, IELTS,Cambridge English exams, or other exams required for academic or professional purposes. 🎯 Business: Language skills relevant to business settings, including vocabulary, communication strategies, and cultural awareness. 🎯 Gaming: Vocabulary and language structures commonly used in gaming contexts,including gaming terminology, instructions,dialogue, and narrative elements. 🎯Programming: Language skills specific to the field of programming, including programming-related vocabulary, syntax,and concepts. 🎯Technical Language: Language skills tailored to specific technical fields such as psychology, general science, and arts. 🌹Learning Outcomes: 1.Develop proficiency in English language skills relevant to their chosen specialized field. 2.Acquire discipline-specific vocabulary and language structures necessary for effective communication. 3.Demonstrate the ability to communicate confidently and accurately in professional or academic contexts. 4.Apply language skills to real-world tasks and situations encountered in their field of specialization. 5.Prepare for language proficiency exams or professional certification exams relevant to their field. 【Verbs, Tenses, Aspects, and Mood:Mastering the Dynamics of Language】 🔆This course is designed to deepen your understanding of verbs and their role in conveying meaning, time, and mood in sentences. We'll explore verb tenses, aspects, and mood, examining how they influence the structure and interpretation of language.🔆 👩‍👧‍👦Fundamentals of Verbs 👨‍👧‍👦 Verb Tenses 👩‍👦‍👦 Aspect 👨‍👧‍👧 Mood 👩‍👦‍👦Usage and Application 🌹Learning Outcomes: 1.Have a solid understanding of verbs and their various forms and functions. 2.Master the use of verb tenses to convey precise temporal relationships. 3.Understand how aspect and mood contribute to the nuanced meaning of sentences. 4.Enhance your ability to communicate effectively in writing and speech by using verbs accurately and appropriately. 5.Apply your knowledge of verbs, tenses, aspects, and mood to analyze and interpret texts in English. 📚This class offers a comprehensive exploration of verbs and their complexities, providing you with the tools and insights you need to become a more proficient and confident communicator in English. Get ready to dive into the dynamic world of language! 【Sentence Crafting: Mastering the Art of Effective Expression】 🔆In this course, we will delve into the intricacies of sentence structure, syntax, and style to help you become a proficient and confident sentence crafter. 🔆 🔸 Understanding Sentence Structure 🔸Syntax and Sentence Variety 🔸Clarity and Precision 🔸Style and Tone 🔸Editing and Revision 🌹Learning Outcomes: 1. Understand the fundamental principles of sentence structure and syntax. 2. Create sentences that are clear, concise, and grammatically correct. 3. Develop an awareness of style and tone in sentence crafting. 4. Enhance your ability to revise and edit sentences for improved clarity and effectiveness. 5. Apply sentence crafting skills to various forms of writing, including essays, reports, and creative works. 【Structured Conversation: Enhancing Communication Skills Through Guided Discussions】 🔆we'll focus on improving your communication skills through structured and interactive conversations.🔆 1.Topic Introduction 2.Vocabulary Building 3.Discussion Prompts 4.Pair and Group Activities 5.Feedback and Reflection 🌹Learning Outcomes: 1.Improve your speaking and listening skills through regular practice and interaction. 2.Expand your vocabulary and fluency in English by discussing a variety of topics. 3.Develop confidence in expressing your ideas, opinions, and emotions in conversation. 4.Enhance your ability to engage in structured discussions and collaborative activities. 5.Cultivate critical thinking and communication skills that are essential for effective interpersonal communication. 【English Language Exploration:Tailored Learning Experience】 🔆Enhance your English language skills in areas of your choice, focusing on topics that align with your interests, goals,and proficiency level. 🔆 You'll have the flexibility to choose from a variety of topics such as: 🎈Business English 🎈Conversational English 🎈Academic English 🎈English for Specific Purposes (e.g., English for Psychology, Gaming, Literature) 🎈Exam Preparation (e.g., TOEFL, IELTS,Cambridge Exams) 🎈Creative Writing 🎈Pronunciation and Accent Reduction 🎈Cultural Insights and Cross-Cultural Communication 【The Bookshelf: Exploring English Fiction and Non-Fiction】 🔆In this course, we will delve into the diverse and captivating world of English literature,immersing ourselves in a wide array of texts ranging from short stories and poems to essays,biographies, and self-help books. 🔆 Through in-depth analysis, thoughtful discussion, andreflective activities, we will deepen our understanding of language, culture, and human experiences as portrayed in literature. 🌹Learning Outcomes: 1.Develop a deeper appreciation for English literature across various genres. 2.Enhance your reading comprehension and analytical skills. 3.mprove your ability to express yourself effectively through writing and discussion. 4.Gain insight into different cultural perspectives and human experiences. 5.Expand your vocabulary and language proficiency in English. 【"Open Mic" sessions】 "Open Mic" sessions in a classroom setting canbe exciting opportunities for students toengage in spontaneous discussions, debates, orpresentations on a given topic. Here's how it typically works and what participants can expect to learn: 🧩Preparation Period 🧩Voluntary Participation 🧩Spontaneous Discussions 🧩Diverse Perspectives 🧩Public Speaking Skills 🧩Active Listening Skills 🧩Critical Thinking and Analysis 🧩Community Building 🌹Overall, Open Mic sessions provide valuable opportunities for students to develop their communication skills, critical thinking abilities,and sense of community while exploring diverse topics in an interactive and engaging format. 💁🏻‍♀️ Come and have a trial lesson with me! What will you learn in your 25-minute trial lesson? ➡️ Master English learning strategies with me! ➡️ Learn about your learning status and needs in just 25 minutes! ➡️ Get personalized advice to maximize your learning potential! 📣 lesson notes: 👉🏻 recommends that you have discussion with teacher about how you like to learn from attending classes before purchase the lessons. 👉🏻 recommends at least one lesson per week for effective learning. 👉🏻 If you need to change your scheduled class, please cancel 12 hours before class or contact the teacher. 👉🏻 please enter the classroom 5 to 10 minutes before class for the preparation, test the webcam and the audio sound. 👉🏻 students who are unable to attend class on time , please contact the teacher before class. 👉🏻 regular weekly classes / daily practice piano will get more improvement! 👉🏻 if you have any questions, please contact the teacher, the teacher will reply as soon as possible. 🌹 Now since you've seen all information, would you like to give yourself a chance to try my English lesson? 😊
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Mais descontos com 5 cursos terminados. Veja o preço no fundo ou no carrinho!


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Class videos can be downloaded
Videos from one-on-one courses can be downloaded within one year after the course ends, greatly enhancing your learning experience!
( This bonus only available for students who enable the class recording function)

18 comentários sobre o curso de Prova de IELTS

  • Serene Dai
    Set 11, 2024
    記錄一下今天練習雅思口說,一開始講解相關主題的單字,然後提供口說part 2的題目計時練習。覺得很有幫助!有臨場感,也真的有練習到東西。 老師有根據我的表現給我準備的方向,建議我要加強文法和單字,我覺得很有幫助
  • anônimo
    Set 6, 2024
    The lesson is a little bit challenge to my level, but Victoria tends to, and could encourage and drive you to conquer it.
ver 18 comentários

desempenho do professor



  • 2008 - 2024 TutorABC
  • 2002 - 2006 Dream Language Training Center
  • 1991 - 1998 John B. Lacson University


  • 2008 - 2012 West Visayas State University Graduate School




  • 2008 - 2024 TutorABC
  • 2002 - 2006 Dream Language Training Center
  • 1991 - 1998 John B. Lacson University
  • 2008 - 2012

    West Visayas State University

    Graduate School




como se reserva

  • Depois da sua compra, reserve o curso de acordo da agenda do seu professor.
  • Pode começar o curso agora com os professores que 'pode ensinar agora'
  • Pode reservar cursos dentro de 24 horas com professores offline

sobre o preço

  • A sessão de julgamento dura 25 minutos
  • Um curso oficial dura 50 minutos
  • Mais descontos com 5 cursos oficiais terminados. O desconto tem por base o preço do professor.


  • Fique no sítio 10 minutos antes do curso. Clique no 'os meus cursos', clique 'entrar a sala de aula' e começar o curso na sala de aula de ZOOM
  • Pode-se usar ZOOM em telemóveis e computadores. (baixe a app de ZOOM no seu telemóvel)

sobre o reembolso

  • Clique no 'informar um problema' quando se encontrar problemas sobre os cursos. O professor pode reprogramar ou reembolsar moedas AT.
  • O sistema reembolsa moedas AT se o professor não respondesse dentro de 12 horas.
como se reserva
  • Depois da sua compra, reserve o curso de acordo da agenda do seu professor.
  • Pode começar o curso agora com os professores que 'pode ensinar agora'
  • Pode reservar cursos dentro de 24 horas com professores offline
sobre o preço
  • A sessão de julgamento dura 25 minutos
  • Um curso oficial dura 50 minutos
  • Mais descontos com 5 cursos oficiais terminados. O desconto tem por base o preço do professor.
  • Fique no sítio 10 minutos antes do curso. Clique no 'os meus cursos', clique 'entrar a sala de aula' e começar o curso na sala de aula de ZOOM
  • Pode-se usar ZOOM em telemóveis e computadores. (baixe a app de ZOOM no seu telemóvel)
sobre o reembolso
  • Clique no 'informar um problema' quando se encontrar problemas sobre os cursos. O professor pode reprogramar ou reembolsar moedas AT.
  • O sistema reembolsa moedas AT se o professor não respondesse dentro de 12 horas.

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